Frequently Asked Questions

Who gets raped?
- Anyone can be raped; it is not gender, race or age specific.

Can men be raped?

- Yes, anyone can be a victim of rape.  While females are victimized more frequently, men are victims, too.

How can I protect myself?

- Travel with a friend, carry mace and learn how to use it.  Take a self defense course.  Refer to the Defense Methods tab for more info.

How can I help?

- If you know someone who has been victimized, be there for them and encourage them to report the crime and seek help.  Be advised that victims may be reluctant to report the crime, or feel as though they were not victims.  Support them and contact the hotlines listed under Who to Contact.
- Volunteer at local women's centers, or become a student advocate.  Organizations such as RAINNMakers provides volunteer opportunities.

How can I tell someone I've been victimized?

- Go to someone you trust (a professor, a family member, a friend).
- Call 1-800-656-HOPE to speak with someone about your dilemma.
- Know that there is help available to you, and you are not alone on your journey to recovery.